When my child died, the world stopped making sense and my heart shattered in ways words can barely touch. Maybe you’ve lost a child—perhaps even…
Learning who I am - a journey through faith
When my child died, the world stopped making sense and my heart shattered in ways words can barely touch. Maybe you’ve lost a child—perhaps even…
The American Church has drifted into idolatry, but allowing the lines of what is right to be pushed by people is neither loving nor Christ honoring.
“I hope to get a PlayStation for Christmas!”“I’m running behind, but hope to get to work on time.” The child wanting a game console has…
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh…
When dealing with a life-altering grief, we often have difficulties worshiping God. Questions flood our mind and give rise to doubt, and now something stands in the way.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For…
Enough already! I have had it. I am in several Christian forums online and the question often arises if suicide is a sin. The medieval…
“God always has three answers to our prayers: Yes No Not now Keep praying. Stay patient. He is working everything out for your own good.”…
People love to celebrate the birth of Christ, the little baby lying in a manger. It has become such a sweet and serene picture of…
It is a certainty that all people want to be happy. – St Augustine “Don’t I deserve to be happy?” Quite few people have asked…