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As you read or watch the news, how long does the story linger in your mind? When the train derailed in Ohio and spilled chemicals that drove people from their homes, the event received a few days as a major story and a good bit of discussion around the water-cooler. However, I would wager most of you have not thought about it in a while.

So how long do stories that have a lesser affect linger? A dam broke in Michigan recently, on May 20th, 2024. It damaged or destroyed roughly 2,500 properties and it displaced about 10,000 people. This story had one or two days of national coverage. You might not have even heard of it.

When an event happens that makes the news, we will feel sad for the hardship those 10,000 people are experiencing, but then 15 minutes later we have forgotten it so hard we forget to mention it to our spouse. Conversely, when the event affects us, we obsess over every aspect until we are made whole. Those 10,000 people are individuals. One of the affected, Mike, lost his home and where his home stood is now covered in trash. They need help to rebuild their life

When we lost Emily, no news covered the event. Most people forgot all about it the next day. We were left reeling in the dirt. Donna had three surgeries over eight months, trying to heal from the damage of that miscarriage, but there was no actual help.

The only story covering Caleb’s death came from our obituary notice. I routinely ask for stories about him, but it seems most have forgotten he existed. I rarely hear any story about him, and the few stories I have heard have come from the same few people. It seems odd that someone with an IQ over 169, who worked at NASA on flight research and then worked at an MRI lab studying the brain scans of patients with anxiety, all before his 21st birthday, could not leave an impact on his friends and family.

It’s been six years. I gave people a pass on not talking at first because it can be difficult to talk about a recently deceased loved one. Believe me, I know how hard it can be, yet I talk all the time about Caleb. It does not seem unreasonable to expect when in a close relationship that one talks about their children. I need and want to talk about my children. For those who did not know Caleb, I will tell you stories. Those who did, you can stay silent and I will respect your wish, but do not expect me to have a relationship with you if you cannot talk with me about my son.

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